Wednesday 15 October 2008

First month study

What I've learned for the first month study in academic english class are tenses (perfect, simple, continues), indirect question, definite article in phrases, pronunciation, and new vocabularies.

Perfect tenses is used when we look back from one time to another.
Perfect tenses is divided into three part.

Present Perfect
We use it when we talk about something that we look from now to another time before.
e.g. I've been in London since three weeks ago.
She has already seen the movie.

There is four main uses in present perfect.
- something that started in the past and still continuing
- a complete action in the past which has some relevance to the present
- finished actions in a period of time that is still continuing
- actions in the past which may happen again

Past Perfect
We use it when talk about something that we look back from a time in the past to another time before that.
e.g. When I arrived, She had already moved.

Indirect Question
We used it when we want talk about something politely.
e.g. Could you tell me what time it is.
I wonder whether I can live with you.

Using definite article in phrases
- Use when referring to something that is already known because it it has been mentioned before.
Yeah, I've seen it. But it's ok, let's see the movie again.

- Use when referring to something that is already known because it is obvious from the context.
A:Hey, why you come late? B:There's some problems with the train.

- Use when referring to something unique.
He is the craziest man.

- Use when a defining or prepositional phrases makes the noun specific.
It is the purple building over there.

-Use before the names of some geographical features, building, and places.
The city is crowded.

New vocabularies that I've learn.
hear on the grapevine - means that something not definitely true (rumour).
can't get a word in edgeways - do not have chance to talk
be on the same wavelength - have the same thinking

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