Thursday 4 December 2008

understanding plagiarism

Plagiarism is when someone taking some other original works or thinking and use it and pretend it as own works or thinking. Examples for plagiarism are copying work from a book or internet without referencing it, copying someone essay, buying an essay , submit an essay which is used for another module, collaborate with someone. There also some act that considered as not obvious plagiarism which are copy, paste something from internet, not noting down the referencing details, copy, paraphrase and organise writing from text books, not referencing resources in the body text. Plagiarism should be avoided. Plagiarism is regarded as a very serious offense in academic purpose.

reflective writing

one of the learning activities for this month study is having a seminar or discussion. It is interesting to have seminar with international student because there are many different thinking based on their knowledge and experience from their study at their country. It is very useful to have seminar or discussion for some subjects that we have to discuss. By having a seminar we can discuss some cases with different opinion and idea that can helped us to get summary for one subject with better conclusion which based on wide of thinking. Maybe there are some difficulties with language and vocabulary when someone want to give some ideas and opinions so sometimes it is difficult to understand and to follow it. But it doesn't matter a lot, because each of student will help the other students when they have difficulties in language.

subject exam paper search

I've opened the subject exam of my past study which is business law. The exam is business law practice for semester one. The exam style is quite similar to kind of exam I've done in my study in my country which we should analyse some case with some statute or law reference to support our argument. The different is the statute and law reference to solve the cases. It must refer to British Law which has different legal system with Indonesia where the legal system is common law and for British is civil law. But for the business law there are many aspects that have the international legal system which the same for every country. So it is important to study both of legal systems and the international legal system for economic purpose.

Visit London

One of places that I've went in London is Spitalfield Market. There we can found quite cheap clothes, vintage jewellry, and other unique and vintage things. There are some particular days that we can found more art things, which is usually on Friday. We can also find some rare things there. One that I had attracted most when I got there is a 60's classic turntable with good conditions.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Language abilities and needs 2

There are some improvements of my language abilities. The significant changes are in my pronunciation, vocabulary and academic skills. The others also have improved although there aren't so much changes. Watching films and reading books has helped me to find range of vocabularies. The last film I had watched is Velvet Goldmine which is about England in glam rock era in late 70's where androgynie were about explode to become trends and way of life. The book, which I haven't finish read yet, is about biography of Beck, a talented musician with blues and folk as his roots, but can be reformed to wide and complex tunes.

So this is my language abilities for now.

Speaking - good
writing - good
reading - very good
listening - very good
pronunciation - good
grammar - above average
vocabulary - good
academic skills - good

Monday 10 November 2008

TV listening


I often watch the born survivor tv series in channel 4 which a man named Bear Grylls having adventure in wild places in different places and different countries. It is very interesting and entertaining than any drama tv series or teen reality shows because it is more real and adventurous. Bear Gryll himself seems like don't have any fear to anything and always want to dare any wild things and getting adventure to any dangerous place he have never got. He can go to Himalayas with -60 degree celcius temperature or stay in amazon with no food left and survive by just eat something from trees or plant and survive from many wild animals there. He is the great adventurer in my opinion.

speaking practise

When I was waiting for night bus after attended The Jesus and Mary Chain concerts in The Forum club I met one british person who was waitng the bus as well and have a quite long conversations. It is an interesting conversations becaus we have some interest in music. We was talking about noise and pyschedelic music and I could understand what is he talking about while he speaking with british accents. It is a good improval for me because when first I came here it is very difficult to listen british accents. We had a long argument about music scenes in my country and in England and he interested to came to my country for specialy for art punk and noise scenes that now growing in Jakarta underground scene. It was some good self study of speaking practise for me and I'm glad he can easily understand what all I'm talking about as well.

Here are just some of underground scene and art music in Indonesia.

language abilities and needs

speaking - average
writing - quite good
reading - good
listening - good
pronunciatian - less then average
grammar - average
vocabulary - weak
academic skills - average

Analysis for my abilities
My better abilities for my language skills are reading and listening. I can easily follow when I read some books or any sentences in English but I still have more difficulties when I have to speak to someone in English fluently. I still have to think the words that I have to say about, it is because my vocabularies are so weak. I have to learn and study more for vocabulary. What I can do to solve this problem is finding the new words when I read some books that I'm interested about and looking those in dictionary then remind it, after that I should practise those new words when I speak to someone. What I can do else is maybe listening to some music, looking and understanding the lyrics and surely I will found many new and interesting poetic words there so I can improve my speaking and vocabulary very well, hopefully. The other else is watching some British films, and specially the documentary one about someone biography or history of music, because there are different accents when people talk and make comments about it.

Here are one of movies that I think have interesting accents.

Saturday 1 November 2008

Brick Lane

Last week I spent my weekend at Brick Lane. Just having a good time with some friends with a few bottles of cheap drink, sat in the corner of the street until morning. Had some talks with different people there and shared drinks and cigarettes. It has 'we are young' atmosphere with interesting people there.

Wednesday 15 October 2008


I'm not so anti-social person, but there is always good feeling when I have some individual moment of walking.


Tomorrow will be my first gigs in London. Spiritualized will play at Roundhouse at 7pm. Yet, still can't find any other bar for small-independent-free of charge gigs.

I need tfl to prepare for my night bus route. Leave it. I think it would be finished before 11, who cares anyway. I care for increase alcohol in blood and some other 'spiritualized' also perhaps...

First month study

What I've learned for the first month study in academic english class are tenses (perfect, simple, continues), indirect question, definite article in phrases, pronunciation, and new vocabularies.

Perfect tenses is used when we look back from one time to another.
Perfect tenses is divided into three part.

Present Perfect
We use it when we talk about something that we look from now to another time before.
e.g. I've been in London since three weeks ago.
She has already seen the movie.

There is four main uses in present perfect.
- something that started in the past and still continuing
- a complete action in the past which has some relevance to the present
- finished actions in a period of time that is still continuing
- actions in the past which may happen again

Past Perfect
We use it when talk about something that we look back from a time in the past to another time before that.
e.g. When I arrived, She had already moved.

Indirect Question
We used it when we want talk about something politely.
e.g. Could you tell me what time it is.
I wonder whether I can live with you.

Using definite article in phrases
- Use when referring to something that is already known because it it has been mentioned before.
Yeah, I've seen it. But it's ok, let's see the movie again.

- Use when referring to something that is already known because it is obvious from the context.
A:Hey, why you come late? B:There's some problems with the train.

- Use when referring to something unique.
He is the craziest man.

- Use when a defining or prepositional phrases makes the noun specific.
It is the purple building over there.

-Use before the names of some geographical features, building, and places.
The city is crowded.

New vocabularies that I've learn.
hear on the grapevine - means that something not definitely true (rumour).
can't get a word in edgeways - do not have chance to talk
be on the same wavelength - have the same thinking

Thursday 9 October 2008

The Art and Culture of Oxford

Founded in the 9th century, Oxford, the city which is part of Oxfordshire in South East England, offers a lot of cultural attraction that we should see. These include theatres, museums, art galleries, and also for music. The art and culture of Oxford is well-known for its originality and the history behind it.

One of the oldest museums in England is The Ashmolean Museum which was founded in 1683. The museum is part of The University of Oxford. Here we can find original pieces of artwork by Michelangelo, Pablo Picasso, and Leonardo Da Vinci there. In Oxford, we can also find The Bate Collection of Musical Instruments. There are many collection of musical instruments that have historical background. It is also located in The University of Oxford.

For the theatre, we should come to The Sheldonian Theatre. The theatre was built in 1664. The other is The Holywell Music Room. It is well known as the oldest music room in Europe. Oxford is also famous for its art galleries, one of them is The Christ Church Picture Gallery which have many paintings and drawings by influential artists from 17th century. Nowadays, Oxford have many art galleries for modern art paintings, drawings, and installations.

The more interesting things are for the music. Beside the classical music which usually held in The Holywell Music Room and The Sheldonian Theatre, also for the famous Oxford Bach Choir, The city of Oxford also have grown important musician artists in the 20th century such as Thom Yorke for his art rock musical groups, Radiohead. Also, Ride which is British shoegazing band that active in 90's.

There would be a lot of list if we have to describe all of art and culture in Oxford. There has a lot of artists, performers, and writers that rhymes with its historical background and beauty landscape.